Configure ConnectWise PSA Security Roles and API Members

How to set up ConnectWise for TopLeft

TopLeft needs access to your ConnectWise Manage application to download tickets, projects, members, and other records used to display cards on Kanban boards. It also updates ConnectWise data when changes are made in TopLeft.

All communication between TopLeft and your ConnectWise instance uses the ConnectWise REST API and is encrypted by TLS.

To allow TopLeft access to your ConnectWise database, follow these instructions. These steps must be performed by a ConnectWise administrator with permission to manage security roles and members.

ConnectWise Requirements

  • ConnectWise Manage cloud or on-premise- TopLeft works with either
  • For on-premise ConnectWise only: ConnectWise version from last 12 months or so.

Setup Checklist

These are the steps to configure your ConnectWise Manage application for TopLeft:

  1. Add a security role for TopLeft
  2. Add an API member
  3. Set up API credentials for the member
  4. For on-premise ConnectWise only: if ConnectWise is behind a firewall filtering access by IP or region, add our IP addresses to your whitelist.
  5. Submit the API credentials and other information in the customer portal

Add a Security Role for TopLeft

To limit the information available to TopLeft, we recommend you set up a Security Role dedicated to the TopLeft user. To open the Security Roles administration section, click System > Security Roles.


Click the "+" button in the toolbar.

Enter "TopLeft" as the role name, or follow an existing pattern for role names. Click the save icon disk02.

In the role list, click the new role name to list security modules for the role.

Update the module function security to match these definitions. For modules and functions not mentioned, leave them at their default settings.

Module: Companies

To open the Companies security module, click Companies in the list.


The module function administration table is displayed. Change the permissions rows to match the following levels.

Module Description Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level Comments
Companies Company Maintenance None None None All Allows TopLeft to fetch and display client company information
Companies Configurations None None None All Required to list configurations
Companies Contacts None None None All Required to fetch contacts
Companies CRM/Sales Activities None All None All Required to fetch and update opportunities.
Companies Manage Attachments All None None All Required to fetch member images and images in tickets and notes
Companies Team Members None None None All Required to fetch account managers

Click Companies again to collapse the pane, then click Finance to open the next pane.

Module: Finance

Module Description Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level Comments
Finance Agreements None None None All Inquire allows TopLeft to set agreements when adding time entries.
Finance Billing View Time None All None All Required to create time entries

Module: Project

Module Description Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level Comments
Project Close Project Tickets None All None All Required by the Close Ticket feature and to assign tickets to closed statuses.
Project Project Headers None All None All Edit allows TopLeft to change project statuses when a project card is moved between columns.
Project Project Notes All None None All Add and Inquire allow TopLeft to manage and show project notes.
Project Project Phase None All None All Inquire allows TopLeft to sync and display project phases.
Project Project Scheduling All All All All Inquire allows TopLeft to display resource assignments; Add/Edit/Delete allows TopLeft to modify resource assignments
Project Project Teams None None None All Inquire allows TopLeft to sync and display project team members.
Project Project Ticket Tasks All All All All Allow TopLeft to add, edit, and delete project ticket tasks.
Project Project Tickets All All None All Manage project tickets.

Module: Sales

Module Description Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level Comments
Sales Closed Opportunity None All None All  
Sales Opportunity None All None All Edit allows TopLeft to change opportunity stages when an opportunity is moved between columns.

Module: Service Desk

Module Description Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level Comments
Service Desk Close Service Tickets None All None All Required by the Close Ticket feature and to assign tickets to closed statuses.
Service Desk Merge Tickets All None None All Allows TopLeft to perform service ticket merges.
Service Desk Resource Scheduling All All All All Inquire allows TopLeft to display resource assignments; Add/Edit/Delete allows TopLeft to modify resource assignments
Service Desk Service Ticket - Dependencies All All All All Allows TopLeft to change ticket statuses when the ticket has a predecessor ticket.
Service Desk Service Tickets All All All All Manage service tickets.

Module: System

Module Description Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level Comments
System API Reports None None None All Allows TopLeft to fetch ConnectWise screens for registering embedded tabs.
System Member Maintenance None None None All Allows TopLeft to fetch members data.
System My Company None None None All Allows TopLeft to sync Territories, Structure Levels, etc.
System Table Setup All None None All Allows TopLeft to sync boards, statuses, locations, teams, etc, and register embedded tabs.

Module: Time & Expense

Module Description Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level Comments
Time & Expense Time Entry All All None All Allows TopLeft to get, create and edit time entries and highlight stale tickets
Time & Expense Time Entry Billable Option All None None All Allows TopLeft to create time entries set as billable

Click the save icon disk02 (1).

Add an API Member

TopLeft authenticates itself to ConnectWise Manage as an API member. To open the Members section, click System → Members.
Click the API Members tab.


Click the "+" button in the toolbar.


Complete the member form as follows:

  • Profile
    • Member ID: TopLeft (or you can follow your existing pattern for member names).
    • Member Name: TopLeft API
    • Email:
  • System
    • Role ID: TopLeft (or whatever you named the new security role)
    • Level: Corporate (Level 1)
    • Name: Corporate
  • All other options- set to best reflect that this account has view of your entire organization, not just a single location or business unit.

From this page you can also restrict any service boards you don't want TopLeft to have access to. Please see the documentation to configure that here.

Save the member by clicking the disk icon disk02 (2).

Set Up API Credentials for the Member

After creating the member, you must set up API keys for it. Select the member you just created and navigate to the API Keys tab.


Click the "+" button in the toolbar.

menu-plus (1)
In the description field, enter "TopLeft". Click the disk icon disk02.

ConnectWise displays a public key and private key. Save both in a safe place. ConnectWise will never show the private key again.

Submit the API Credentials and Other Information in the Setup Portal

Go to and enter the requested information, including these API credentials.

That's it! We'll let you know when your TopLeft service is available.


ConnectWise sometimes doesn't immediately apply security role changes to API requests. If you have trouble setting up permissions, try these steps:

  1. Double-check the security role permissions against the list above. The permissions required by TopLeft can change as we introduce new features and as ConnectWise updates their schema.

    After your TopLeft app has been set up, you can use a tool in the app to check permissions. It is available in Settings > ConnectWise API > Check Permissions.
  2. Change the role ID of the API member to a completely different security role, and save the member. Then swap it back to the TopLeft role and save.
  3. Delete the TopLeft security role, then create a new one from scratch as per the steps above. Then set the API member's role to the new role.

Further Reference

Refer to ConnectWise documentation: