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Rich Text and Images in ConnectWise Tickets and Notes

TopLeft now supports rich text and images in tickets, notes, and time entries for ConnectWise customers. This enhancement allows you to maintain the original formatting of your content, making it easier to include detailed information and visual aids

Viewing Rich Text and Images

In ConnectWise, you can now view tickets and notes with their original formatting, including any embedded images. This is particularly useful when clients send emails with embedded images, as it ensures all visual information is preserved and easily accessible.


Creating and Editing with Rich Text and Images

When creating or updating tickets, notes, or time entries, you can now use rich text formatting and add images. Here's what you can do:

  • Text Formatting: Apply bold, italics, underline, ordered lists, unordered lists, and links.
  • Adding Images: Paste images using keyboard shortcuts or upload them via your browser’s upload dialogue.

Client Portal

Clients using the client portal can also utilize these features when creating tickets or making notes, enhancing their ability to provide detailed information and visual context.

Setup Instructions

Permissions Requirement

To enable image uploading, specific permission must be set for the TopLeft API member in ConnectWise. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to ConnectWise as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to: System > Security Roles.
  3. Select the Security Role used by the TopLeft API member.
  4. Under Companies: Manage Attachments, set "Add" to "All."

If this permission is not set, users will encounter a permissions-related error when attempting to add images to tickets or time entries.

Verifying Permissions

TopLeft administrators can verify the read permissions of their API members using our newly added tool:

  1. Go to: Settings page.
  2. Select ConnectWise API
  3. Click: Check Permissions.

Note: This tool checks only read permissions, not add/edit/delete permissions.

Important Note for Autotask Users

Unfortunately, the current Autotask API does not support rich text and images. We encourage Autotask users to vote for this feature on Datto's feedback site to help prioritize its development.