Get quick insight into each team's work, problem items, and performance history.
TopLeft has a dashboard that shows important metrics for each board, organized by team.
Team Metrics
Primary Board
For each team, one board is shown with detailed metrics. This is the board chosen in the team's configuration. If no board is selected as the default for the team, then it uses whatever board is listed first for the team in the main menu.
The metrics and highlights are as follows:
- Card volume trend: shows the daily count of cards on the board over the last four weeks, including the number of cards with warnings (orange labels), errors (red labels), and the total count of cards.
- Cards: the current count of warning, error, and total cards.
- Workflow delays: for each column on the board, the average length of time the cards have been in the column.
- Top swimlanes: for swimlane boards only, it shows the swimlanes with the most cards, as well as the count of warning and error cards.
Metrics are recorded nightly. They are not updated in real time.
The following links are shown for each board:
- Open: navigates to the Kanban board
- Open Mine: navigates to the board with filters already applied to show only the user's own work
- Edit: navigates to the board edit page (shown to team managers and administrators only)
Other Boards (Not Primary)
For boards that aren't the default for the team, much simpler metrics are shown. The dashboard simply shows the current number of warning, error, and total cards.
Viewing Team vs All Boards
The dashboard is organized with two tabs:
On the dashboard, by default the user sees the My Boards tab. This shows metrics for the all the user's teams.
If a user want's to see the boards for other teams, or boards not assigned to a team, he or she can use the All Boards tab.
If a user is not assigned to a team, the user is shown the All Boards tab by default.
Accessing the Dashboard
After logging in, users are directed to the dashboard.
To navigate to the dashboard, click the logo in the main menu. (Be mindful- the logo can be replaced with your own company logo, so it will look different than this example.)