Applies to: Autotask task boards
The parts of a task card are:
- Task ID. You can easily copy the task ID to your clipboard by hovering over the number with your cursor, then clicking the
icon that appears.
- Card menu, with these functions:
- Send to Top: ranks the task at the highest priority in the column
- Send to Bottom: ranks the task at the lowest priority in the column
- Edit Task: view and change various properties of the task
- Manage Resources: opens a dialog to add or remove resources on the task
- New Service Call: opens a dialog to create a new service call for resources currently assigned to the task
- Enter Note: opens a dialog to create a new note on the task
- Enter Time: opens a dialog to create a new time entry on the task for the currently logged in user.
- Change Priority: opens a dialog to select a new priority for the task
- Show Notes: opens a dialog to display a card's notes. This includes time entry notes
- Open in Autotask: open the task in the Autotask web app. You can also click the task title to do this.
- Company name, Project name, and project phases. A task will show its Project name and its Phase name if the board's "Project name" and "Phase name" is enabled, respectively.
- Length of time since the last time entry was created for this task. This is shown if the column's "Time entries" option is enabled.
- End date. shown if the boards' "End date" option is enabled.
- Task age- length of time since the ticket was created. This is shown if the board's "Task age" option is enabled.
- Priority indicator. Hover your cursor over the ticket to show the priority name.
- Hours worked and estimated hours, This is shown if the column's "Hours" option is enabled.
- Length of time since the last note was created for this task. This is shown if the column's "Last note" option is enabled.
- Length of time since the task has changed statuses in TopLeft. This is shown if the column's "Status age" option is enabled.
- Assigned resources. When the assignment has a service call, the resources' image has an outline and hovering over the image shows the service call details.
For example:
The outline color is blue for service calls on future dates, green for service calls on the current date, or red if it is in the past: - Task name
Dependencies - Showing Predecessor Tasks
The card predecessor field is shown if the board's "Predecessor" option is enabled. If a card has a predecessor associated with it, you can hover over the field and the predecessor will be highlighted if it is present on the board.
Highlighting is supported for predecessor tickets, not predecessor phases.