Applies to: Autotask ticket boards
The parts of a ticket card are:
- Ticket ID. You can easily copy the ticket ID to your clipboard by hovering over the number with your cursor, then clicking the
icon that appears.
- Card menu, with these functions:
- Send to Top: ranks the ticket at the highest priority in the column
- Send to Bottom: ranks the ticket at the lowest priority in the column
- Edit Ticket: view and change various properties of the ticket
- Checklist: edit the ticket's checklist
- Manage Resources: opens a dialog to add or remove resources on the ticket
- New Service Call: opens a dialog to create a new service call for resources currently assigned to the ticket
- Enter Note: opens a dialog to create a new note on the ticket.
- Enter Time: opens a dialog to create a new time entry on the ticket.
- Change Priority: opens a dialog to select a new priority for the ticket
- Show Notes: opens a dialog to display a card's notes. This includes time entry notes.
- Open in Autotask: open the ticket in the Autotask web app. You can also click the ticket title to do this.
- Ticket title. Click the title to open the ticket in a new tab in the Autotask web app.
- Length of time since the last time entry was created for this ticket. This is shown if the column's "Time entries" option is enabled.
- SLA stages. Time remaining before the current SLA stage for this ticket expires. This is shown if the column's "SLA time" option is enabled.
- Hours worked and estimated hours. This is shown if the column's "Hours" option is enabled.
- Priority indicator. Hover your cursor over the ticket to show the priority name.
- Ticket age- length of time since the ticket was created. This is shown if the board's "Ticket age" option is enabled.
- Due date of the ticket. This is shown if the board's "Due date" option is enabled.
- Length of time since the last note was created for this ticket. This is shown if the column's "Last note" option is enabled.
- Length of time since the ticket has changed statuses in TopLeft. This is shown if the column's "Status age" option is enabled.
- Assigned resources. When the assignment has a service call, the resources' image has an outline and hovering over the image shows the service call details.
For example:
The outline color is blue for service calls on future dates, green for service calls on the current date, or red if it is in the past: - Ticket Queue
- Ticket Category
- Company name