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We have thousands of open tickets, can we restrict what is shown on a board?

Absolutely. There are a number of ways to filter it down to show only what matters.

As a best practice, we have discovered that it's best not to have more then 50-100 tickets on a card. If you have hundreds or even thousands of open tickets, you can reduce the scope through a few methods:

  • Only map the PSA boards (queues) and statuses that matter.
  • Filter by team, department, location, company etc.
  • Only show tickets for the team that's actually using the board. Typically this would be no more than 10 people - whoever is in a daily huddle together.
  • Don't show completed or closed tickets.
  • If there is a large backlog, show that on a separate Kanban board.
  • Use the column width settings to control how many cards are displayed next to each other in a column. You can force it to be only 1 card wide.