Applies to: ConnectWise ticket boards
This is a reference for the options unique to this type of board. For a description of options common to all types of boards, see Fields for Kanban Boards.
Card fields
- Child tickets: controls if childed tickets are displayed on the board
- Ticket age: controls if the elapsed time since the ticket was created in ConnectWise is shown on cards
- Ticket type/subtype/item
- Project name and phase
- Predecessor: controls if ticket predecessors (for dependencies) are shown on cards. Hovering over a ticket's predecessor will highlight the related ticket if it is visible on the board.
- Assignment details: Show detailed schedule entry information on the card if available, rather than on a tooltip.
- Ticket age
- Hours sum: shows sum of both budget and actual logged hours
- Hours average: shows average of both budget and actually logged hours
The available fields for swimlanes are:
- Project
- Project Manager
- Resource - this will show a ticket in multiple swimlanes if a ticket has multiple resources
- Priority
- Location
- Team
- Owner
- Company
- ConnectWise Board
- Type
- Phase
- Custom fields of type text
When using automatic ranking, you can choose to rank by these fields:
- Priority
- Due Date
- Earliest Assignment Date
- Actual Hours
- Budget Hours
- Next SLA Due
- Customer Responded
- Last Note Date
- Last Time Entry Date
- Age
- Time in Status
- WBS Code
- Estimated start date
The fields you can filter by are:
- Ticket types: select to display one or all of service tickets, project tickets, or project issues. If you want to display all types, you can leave the options all unchecked.
- ConnectWise boards: the ConnectWise boards of the tickets
- Resources: the assigned members of the tickets
- Show unassigned tickets: control if tickets with no assigned resources will appear on the board when the resource filter is used. If you want to show tickets from a select set of technicians, and also show unassigned tickets, then select this option.
- Companies
- Projects
- Project Statuses
- Project managers
- Project team members
- Teams
- Locations
- Priorities
- Owners
- Territories
- Types
- SLA due
- Due date
In addition to options common to all board types, these options are available:
- Time entries & entry warning: Shows how long ago was the last time entry, marking it in red if the time exceeds the warning threshold.
- Last note & note warning: Shows how long ago was the last note (non-time entry), marking it in red if the time exceeds the warning threshold.
- SLA time & warning: Shows how long until the current SLA stage is due, marking it in orange if the time is less than the warning threshold.
- Due date: controls if the ticket due date is shown on cards
- Due warning: marks the due date in orange if it's within the time of the warning threshold
- Hours: controls if actual and budget hours information is displayed on cards
- Budget warning: For cards with both actual hours and budget hours, and exceeding the threshold (but less than 100% used), warning message is shown.
- Start timer on drag: when a ticket is dragged into this column, start the timer
- Open time entry on drag: when a ticket is dragged into this column, open the time entry dialog
- Style profile: the style profile to use for appearance customization.