This is the list of fields that can be used for highlighting problem work for Autotask boards.
To learn more about highlighting problem work, see Highlighting Problem Work.
To set these options, navigate to a board's edit page, Columns tab. The Age Warning field is on the main column view and the other options are available in the Advanced Options dialog.
The thresholds are set using values in this format: "Xm" for X minutes, "Xh" for X hours, "Xd" for X days, and "Xw" for X weeks.
Ticket boards
- Age warning: error when the ticket has been in the same status longer than this time
- Entry warning: error when the ticket has not had a time entry in this period
- Note warning: error when the ticket has not had a note entered in this period
- SLA warning: warn when the ticket SLA expires within this period
- Due warning: warn when the ticket is due within this period
Task boards
- Age warning: error when the ticket has been in the same status longer than this time
- Entry warning: error when the ticket has not had a time entry in this period
- Note warning: error when the ticket has not had a note entered in this period
- Due warning: warn when the ticket is due within this period
Project boards
- Age warning: error when the ticket has been in the same status longer than this time
- Start warning: warn when the project is starting within this period. This is typically used for columns tracking projects in a sales or planning stage. Setting any value in this field also makes the start date field show an error if the start date is in the past.
- End warning: warn when the project is ending within this period. This is typically used for columns tracking projects that are in progress. Setting any value in this field also makes the end date field show an error if the end date is in the past.