Recommended Boards for Service Teams

MSPs use these boards to understand the service work in their PSA

Before you create boards for your service team, ensure you know how to set up Kanban boards in TopLeft.

For service teams we recommend these two boards:

  • A ticket board with no swimlane. This is useful for technicians to see their own work. Techs can just use the "My Tickets" button to filter such that only the tech's own tickets are shown.
  • A ticket board with resource swimlanes. This is useful for the team lead and triage/dispatch to see how work is distributed in the team, and useful for team meetings to review work person by person. To make this board, just clone the first board and set the swimlane of the cloned board to Resource.

Other useful swimlane boards include Priority, ConnectWise Board, and Autotask Queue.

Video Demo of Setting Up Service Boards

Reference Recommendations for Service Boards

Here are the details of the boards we recommend for managing service work.

Board Type Name Swimlane Typical Filters Typical Columns
Board with no swimlane Ticket Helpdesk None CW: ConnectWise boards
AT: Queue
New, Ready, Scheduled, Waiting, In Progress, Complete
Board with member swimlane Ticket Helpdesk by Member Resource Clone this board from Helpdesk board Clone this board from Helpdesk board